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Funstock.co.uk's price for not-yet-released items sometimes changes between the time the item is listed for sale and the time it is released and dispatched. Whenever you pre-order an item eligible for Pre-order Price Guarantee, the price you pay will be the lowest price offered by Funstock.co.uk between the time you place your order up to and including the date the item is dispatched.
Terms and Conditions:
• Pre-order Price Guarantee applies only to items sold by RiceDigital.co.uk at the website www.ricedigital.co.uk, and not to items (or prices) offered by any of RiceDigital.co.uk's Trusted Partner sites.
• Where the item has a stated release date, if your order enters the dispatch process before that date and the price of the item drops below the price you were charged between the date of dispatch and the release date, please click
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• Pre-order Price Guarantee doesn't apply in the case of mispricing or to orders cancelled by us in accordance with our conditions of use and sale. Our sale of products to you is subject to our Conditions of Use & Sale and to our Pricing Policy.